Budget for FY 2024/25 with Focus on Digital Transformation

VINAStech applauds the Ugandan government’s commitment to digital transformation as outlined in today’s National Budget Speech delivered by Hon. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The theme, “Full Monetisation of Uganda’s Economy through Commercial Agriculture, Industrialisation, Expanding and Broadening Services, Digital Transformation and Market Access,” underscores the critical role of ICT in driving national growth.

We are impressed by the achievements highlighted in the speech, including the significant expansion of fiber optic cable infrastructure, increased internet penetration, and the nationwide rollout of the PDM Information System. These initiatives lay a strong foundation for further digital development.

VINAStech is particularly enthusiastic about the allocation of Shs 246 billion for ICT development next financial year. We strongly support the government’s focus on:

  • Expanding internet connectivity and digital infrastructure: This is essential for bridging the digital divide and ensuring all Ugandans can participate in the digital economy.
  • Continuing the rollout of digital government services: This will enhance efficiency, transparency, and accountability in service delivery.
  • Leveraging ICT and BPO to create youth employment: This is a crucial strategy for empowering young Ugandans and fostering economic growth.
  • Investing in digital skills training: Equipping Ugandans with the necessary skills is vital for maximizing the adoption and benefits of digital services.
  • Strengthening cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy: This will build trust and confidence in the digital ecosystem.

VINAStech is fully committed to being a key player in this digital transformation journey. We are ready to:

  • Partner with the government to implement these vital initiatives.
  • Invest in expanding digital infrastructure and bridging the digital divide.
  • Deliver innovative ICT solutions that improve efficiency and service delivery across all sectors.
  • Offer comprehensive digital skills training programs to equip Ugandans for the digital age.

We believe that by working together, we can unlock the immense potential of ICT to achieve the government’s goal of full monetization of Uganda’s economy. VINAStech welcomes the opportunity for increased engagement and looks forward to collaborating with all stakeholders to build a more prosperous and digitally inclusive Uganda.

It is important to note that the budget also allocates significant resources to the tourism sector, with additional support for internet expansion in tourist destinations. This aligns perfectly with VINAStech’s commitment to providing innovative ICT solutions across various industries. We believe a digitally empowered tourism sector can significantly contribute to Uganda’s economic growth.