Tech Quiz 6

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Quiz 6

Put your IT knowledge to the test! VINAStech is hosting the 6th edition of the weekly quiz. How much do you know about tech?

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1 / 10

Which protocol is commonly used for secure internet communication?

2 / 10

Which windows feature allows users to create multiple virtual desktops?

3 / 10

Which unit is commonly used to measure the speed of a processor?

4 / 10

What s the term for a software update that fixes bugs or vulnerabilities?

5 / 10

Which of the following is a cloud storage service?

6 / 10

What is the main function of RAM in a computer?

7 / 10

What is the typical storage capacity of a modern laptop's SSD compared to an HDD of the same size?

8 / 10

What type of memory is non-volatile and used to store firmware?

9 / 10

Which part of a laptop stores the operating system?

10 / 10

What is the function of a motherboard in a computer?

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